September 17, 2011

Phone Story - Apple Cannot Handle The Truth?

Phone Story is a collection of mini games for the iOS platform approved and released for sale just a few days ago. It was removed almost immediately afterwards by Apple from the AppStore for violating a number of their rules.

Well, just see for yourself:
Phone Story Game Play Video

The truth is still out there, at least in the Android Marketplace.

September 10, 2011

Out Of Topic: Contagion - More Like Contage-Yawn

Out Of Topic delves into the non-gaming side of life. Yes, I do have a life outside of gaming, thank you very much.

Don't talk to anyone about this movie.

A monster of a virus spreads like crazy, killing millions, before the US government finds the cure. It's the 1995 blockbuster hit Outbreak done in a more documentary-like setting. And with a ton more huge Hollywood names.

The movie builds up the outbreak nicely in the first half of the movie. Unfortunately, I felt that they just did not know when to stop building up the pace of the story that my exhilaration became exhaustion during the second half.

The story is completely unfocused: plot threads going nowhere, characters disappearing abruptly, and a half-assed ending. And by half-assed I mean really, really horrible. I feel the movie could have been better without that ending.

Gwyneth Paltrow, Matt Damon, Laurence Fishburne, Jude Law, Kate Winslet, Elliott Gould. That's like 3-4 movies worth of huge Hollywood names. Watching the movie also makes you feel like you watched 3 to 4 movies. All at the same time. Such a waste of their talent. And what's up with Jude Law's teeth? Seriously.

Watch it if you like "disaster" movies, but leave your high expectations outside the cinema.