September 16, 2012

WoW Naman: A Look Back at Jollibee Goodness

Jollibee 10-man raid, anyone?

In a few weeks, the Pandaren will be unleashed throughout Azeroth with World of Warcraft's upcoming expansion, Mists of Pandaria. While I am actually still undecided on whether the new expansion is still worth purchasing and resubscribing to, my 7 free Come-Back-To-WoW days made me reminisce back to the days when our guild, Jollibee, was still a bustling community of Pinoys from all over the world.

Our already abandoned blog is still up for everyone to see, so I got bored enough to read through some of the blog posts and comments from way, way back.

Raids: Karazhan, Zul'Aman, and Naxxramas. Cleared them all, but not without much pain and suffering. And dancing thanks to Heigan. Too bad the videos are no longer available. We made attempts on the other WoTLK raids as well, but those were not documented, unfortunately.

Drama: Oh boy do we have them. Loot drama in a shared Naxx 25 run, /gquits galore. I guess a full-fledged guild will never avoid these things. Besides, a little craziness is a good thing once in a while.

Random stuff: Various screenshots of nothing in particular. And as a bonus:

Oh, wait...

September 15, 2012

Zelda Nina versus Luigi Law - Tekken graces the WiiU

During the media blowout a few days ago for Nintendo's next generation console, the WiiU, a slew of titles were announced for its launch window. For the very first time ever, a Tekken title will grace a Nintendo console.

Image courtesy of

While a Tekken title normally wouldn't deserve my attention, I accidentally watched the game trailer last night, and Tekken has never looked this fun: