April 25, 2011

Game Over: Final Thoughts on Infinite Space (DS)

I don't have time for this. Let's go.


Yeah, I'm sure you're surprised why I'm writing this to you. I'm quite surprised myself, actually, but I guess this is the best way to go about this.

It's over.

I wanted to like you, really. A lot of people said that you were nice, that although it takes a while to really get to know you, the end result is more than worth it.

I guess it's not you. It's me.

I guess I'm just not as patient as I once was. And boy do I get patience. Just ask my friends.

The thing is, there are some things about you that I just can't take any longer.

For instance, you can't seem to remember anything. I mean, I'm sorry but I do get busy and I have to do other things as well, but would it be too much to ask for you to take note of what has happened in our prior engagements?

Also, you seem to be a bit slow in the uptake. It's kinda cute at first when you always ask me whether I'm sure about one thing or not, but after the 84th time, it gets kinda grating.

The biggest thing, though, is the fact that you just don't seem to care at times. You sometimes make me think that we're getting along just fine, that I'm correctly guessing the things that you like. And then BAM! Out of left field, you unforgivingly bring up something that I just can't take. And you leave me staring at you, clueless as to what I could have done better.

It's best if we don't see each other for a while. I don't have time anymore for these kinds of games.



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